Recently I
had the honor of being a guest blogger for Randy Alcorn (my illustrious
father-in-law). My post was called, “The Growing Consistency of the Pro-Choice
Position.” One reader made a comment that stood out to me. Here is it in its
life” people need to do a better job of having a more consistent ethic of being
pro life. There are some that do, but the vast majority don’t. The critique
that states “pro life people believe that life begins at conception and ends at
birth” has some validity. Far too many people that identify with the pro life
movement are very outspoken on abortion, but strangely silent on the death
penalty, needless wars, the AIDS epidemic, global warming and its effects on
natural life, the prison industrial complex, child labor in the third world,
and the list goes on. Stop talking about pro choice people being inconsistent
and hypocritical and look at yourself.
At first I
felt defensive when I read it, and somewhat justifiably. In my opinion the
reader wildly exaggerates the lack of care for people in crisis. And his
comments also reveal that he may have only read the title of the post, and not
the post itself. Still, lurking behind this, there is a valid point. But I don’t
believe that valid point is the one he intends to make.
I think it
is valid that he wants consistency from the pro-life position. If I call myself
pro-life, that grid should carry over in all cases. I should be against the
death penalty and all war (not just
needless ones), as well as anything that could possibly cause death. I should
be against killing in self-defense because it takes a life just as much as
murder takes a life. I should also be against eating meat and hunting because
it ends the lives of animals. If I am pro-life, I should be pro-life the whole
While all
of that might sound silly, it simply reflects the fact that pro-life is not a
very helpful label. It needs specification in order to be a meaningful label.

So, if
these terms are not meaningful, how did they come about? Here is an overly
simplistic explanation. A person in favor of legalized abortion (person #1) is
speaking with a person against legalized abortion (person #2):
1: You’re
2: I don’t like that label. It is
not so much that I am against something as that I am in favor of something.
1: What is it that you are in favor
2: Life. I am pro-life. You on the
other hand are pro-abortion, which is basically the same as being pro-death.
1: I’m not pro-death. I’m not even
pro-abortion. I just think everything should have the choice to have an
abortion. I am pro-choice.
It’s not hard to see how it happened. But it has left us
with unhelpful labels.
The reader
may be right that it is not consistently pro-life to be against abortion, but
in favor of the death penalty. However, apart from the pro-life label, there is
nothing inconsistent about that position. It is not inconsistent to believe
that unborn babies should not be killed and at the same time believe that the
state should have the power to put murderers to death. It is not inconsistent
to believe that unborn babies should not be killed and at the same time believe
that war is sometimes justified. And it is not inconsistent to believe that killing
someone in self-defense is justifiable.
Here is the
point: the term “pro-life” should not serve as a prison to people who are
against abortion. The consistency should manifest itself in consistent concern
for those who are being wronged and are unable to protect themselves.
While I
personally would redefine the terms involved in the abortion debate, I think
this is unlikely to happen. I accept the terms because I feel that this is
necessary in order to have a discussion that is helpful. At the same time, I
would have no problem if someone called me “anti-abortion.” That is an accurate
label. I am also anti-murder, anti-corruption, anti-domestic-abuse, and
anti-genocide. There are certain things that we should be against.
Very well put, Dan, especially the paragraph about how there is nothing inconsistent about the pro-life position.
ReplyDeleteHere is a nice resource that I like very much. It is kind of related to this subject.